ACCLE / ACECD (Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education / Association Canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit) is thrilled to announce that it will once again co-host its annual Conference with CALT / APCD (Canadian Association of Law Teachers / L’Association Canadienne des professeurs de droit) from Thursday, May 31 – Saturday, June 2, 2018. Our joint conference will take place at the Faculty of Law, Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Please mark the date on your calendars and plan to join us in Kingston, Ontario for this exciting event!

We have partnered with CALT for our ninth annual conference due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received from last year’s conference in Victoria, British Columbia. ACCLE is comprised of a group of individuals and clinics interested in supporting clinical legal education in Canada. The organization shares best practices, pedagogies and other information related to clinical legal education. ACCLE encourages the promotion and improvement of clinical legal education in Canadian law schools, promotes clinical pedagogy and research, and facilitates the dissemination of information pertaining to clinical legal education to clinicians in Canada. Each year, ACCLE hosts a conference in various locations across Canada for the above mentioned purpose. Speakers address a wide range of issues relating to clinical legal education.

Please see our English and French Call for Proposals for Participation for further information.

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