The 2014 Conference Program is now available to browse in English and French.


Join us October 23-24, 2014, in Windsor, Ontario for ACCLE’s 5th Annual Conference, Clinics, Classrooms & Community: Clinical Legal Education at a Crossroads.  Registration for the conference is now open.

ACCLE is pleased to welcome Professor Sameer Ashar as our keynote speaker for this conference.  Professor Ashar is Clinical Professor in the School of Law at the University of California, Irvine and co-director of the UC Irvine Immigrant Rights Clinic. Professor Ashar served as the Associate Dean of Clinical Programs at the CUNY School of Law and has also taught at the University of Maryland and NYU School of Law. He focuses both his clinical practice and scholarship on how law can be used to support racially and economically subordinated communities. He has defended individuals before the Executive Office for Immigration Review, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the Second and Fifth Circuits. Professor Ashar has represented immigrant workers in litigation against exploitative employers in state and federal court, as well as before the National Labor Relations Board, Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, and California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.  Professor Ashar has worked on policy advocacy and community education projects with numerous immigrant organizations including the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, UNITE HERE Local 11, Warehouse Workers Resource Center, Orange County Dream Team, Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York, Domestic Workers United, Andolan Organizing South Asian Workers, New York Taxi Workers Alliance, Families for Freedom, and the Workplace Project. He is a member of the board of the Clinical Law Review. Professor Ashar holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a B.A. in Political Science from Swarthmore College.

Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education – 5th Annual Conference

Clinics, Classrooms and Community: Clinical Legal Education at a Crossroads  – Windsor, Ontario (October 23-24, 2014)

The Association of Canadian Clinical Legal Education (ACCLE) is pleased to host its 5th Annual Conference at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor from October 23-24, 2014. This year’s conference will focus on “Clinics, Classrooms and Community: Clinical Legal Education at a Crossroads”. ACCLE is comprised of a group of individuals and clinics interested in supporting clinical legal education in Canada. The organisation shares best practices, pedagogies and other information related to clinical legal education. ACCLE encourages the promotion and improvement of clinical legal education in Canadian Law Schools, promotes clinical pedagogy and research, facilitates the dissemination of information pertaining to clinical legal education to clinicians in Canada. Each year, ACCLE hosts a conference in various locations across Canada for the above mentioned purpose. Speakers address a wide range of issues relating to clinical legal education.


This conference will be held in English. We look forward to hosting you in Windsor from October 23-24, 2014.

Association canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit – 5ème Conférence annuelle

L’enseignement clinique du droit à la croisée des chemins: lorsque la communauté s’invite dans la salle de classe  – Windsor, Ontario (23 au 24 octobre 2014)

L’Association canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit  annonce la tenue de sa cinquième conférence annuelle qui se tiendra du  22 au 25 octobre 2014 à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Windsor, Ontario. Cette année, le thème de la conférence porte sur les liens entre la communauté, les cliniques juridiques et la salle de cours : la formation juridique est-elle à cet égard à la croisée des chemins ?L’Association canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit  est un regroupement d’individus et de cliniques juridiques issus des milieux universitaires. L’Association se destine à la promotion et à l’amélioration de l’enseignement clinique du droit. Elle veille à la diffusion des bonnes pratiques pédagogiques et offre à la communauté universitaire des renseignements utiles en matière de formation clinique. L’Association vient en appui au travail des cliniciens et des cliniciennes du droit au Canada. L’Association canadienne pour l’enseignement clinique du droit  profite de la tenue de sa conférence annuelle pour visiter divers lieux d’enseignement du droit au Canada ainsi que pour aborder des problématiques d’actualité en matière d’enseignement clinique du droit.


La langue de travail de la conférence sera l’anglais.  Nous sommes donc impatients et impatientes de vous accueillir à Windsor, du 23 au 24 octobre 2014.