
ACCLE is a group of individuals and clinics who have come together for these common purposes:

  • to provide a forum for legal educators across Canada to share best practices, pedagogies and other information related to clinical legal education;
  • to encourage the promotion and improvement of clinical legal education in Canadian law schools;
  • to promote clinical pedagogy and research;
  • to facilitate the dissemination of information pertaining to clinical legal education to clinicians in Canada, and;
  • to promote or organize conferences or other activities to facilitate the purposes of the association.



Visit our Eventbrite page to register for our IN PERSON conference ” Back to Basics – Defining Clinic Fundamentals :Retour à l’essentiel – Définir les principes fondamentaux de la clinique” scheduled to take place May 24-26th, 2024 at the University of Windsor. Reduced registration fees are offered for ACCLE members and students.

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