Core Foundations and New Directions in Clinical Legal Education
Participants must make their own accommodation arrangements for the conference.
The conference will be held at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, which is conveniently located in downtown Halifax, within walking distance of a number of hotels, restaurants and tourist experiences.
There are a number of hotel accommodation options in downtown Halifax. We have secured a special conference rate at two hotels:
Atlantica Hotel
Reservation Process
Individuals may make their own reservations with the hotel directly at (902) 423-1161 or toll free at 1-888-810-7288 or email at or by facsimile at (902) 423-9069. They must identify that they are with the ACCLE Conference group to receive the special rate. This rate will be available to delegates until the release date of September 15, 2013.
The Lord Nelson Hotel
Reservation Process
Reservations will be made by individual letters, phone 902-423-5130 or 1-800-565-2020, fax 902-491-6113
On line Booking Option
The Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites offers delegates attending the ACCLE Conference a guest room rate of $149.00 based on single or double occupancy, plus applicable taxes. For delegates to make their reservations online simply use the following direct link to access the group reservation page:
Reservations will be accepted until the room release date of Friday, September 6, 2013.
Both of these hotels are within easy walking distance to the Schulich School of Law.