ACCLE 6th Annual Conference: The Place of Clinical Legal Education
University of Saskatchewan College of Law, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (October 23-24, 2015)
(2nd Annual Pre-Conference Writing Workshop to be held on October 22, 2015)
ACCLE will be holding its Sixth Annual Conference at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on October 23 and 24, 2015, with a pre-conference research and writing workshop on October 22, 2015.
The conference will focus on the theme of “place” in relation to clinical legal education. It will seek to address issues including the following:
- Where does clinical legal education take place and what is the significance of place to clinical legal education?
- How do clinics “locate” themselves within the communities and places where they exist?
- How does clinical legal education respond to the forces that have displaced communities both historically and currently?
- How does our geography — in urban and rural communities, on Indigenous land, shaped by borders and boundaries — influence clinical legal education?
- How should clinic lawyers and students think about our place as advocates for marginalized members of communities and our place within the larger legal community?
- How should students and clinicians think about the place of clinical legal education in students’ law school education as students develop their personal and professional identities?
- Where is clinical legal education located within broader discussions of access to justice in Canada?
- As legal education as a whole faces a shifting landscape, where is clinical legal education located now and in the future?
ACCLE invites proposals for papers or workshops that fit within the general theme of “the place of clinical legal education”. We will also continue to consider presentations dealing with core themes in Canadian clinical legal education, including: innovative pedagogies and new and “traditional” models of clinical legal education.
We welcome participation and submissions from all legal educators and law students as well as professionals from other related fields. We encourage and welcome proposals for individual papers, panels or workshops. We are especially interested in proposals seeking to engage the audience in an interactive and dynamic way.
Proposals will be reviewed and selected by members of the ACCLE Conference Committee based on their quality and relevance to the theme and goals of the conference. Please keep your proposal to a maximum of 250 words, and please indicate the format of your presentation (individual paper, panel or workshop, or other format).
We ask that all submissions be sent by email to Lisa Cirillo at with the subject line “ACCLE Conference 2015 Proposal” by May 30, 2015. If you have any questions about the call for papers, please email Lisa Cirillo at the email address above.