Core Foundations and New Directions in Clinical Legal Education


The Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education is pleased to announce its 4th Annual Conference at the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from October 16-19, 2013.

Core Foundations and New Directions in Clinical Legal Education will focus on “core foundations” as well as new and emerging directions in the field of clinical legal education in Canada.  It will include a variety of plenary, small group and workshop sessions on key topics in in the design and delivery of effective clinical legal education programs, including discussion around the definition and purpose of clinical legal education programs, strategies for fostering commitment to social justice in clinical programs, innovative pedagogies and new models of clinical legal education and recent developments in clinical legal education.


Key Note Speakers:

ACCLE is pleased to welcome two most distinguished guests as our keynote speakers for this conference.  On Thursday morning, the Professor D.A. Rollie Thompson, Q.C. of the Schulich School of Law will offer our opening keynote address.  Professor Thompson has been with Dalhousie Law School of Law since 1982, and teaching evidence, family law and civil procedure.  He is a past Director of Dalhousie Legal Aid Service (1982-85 and 1991-94).  Professor Thompson is the recipient of Dalhousie Law Alumni Association and Dalhousie Law Students Society Award for Teaching Excellence 2001-02 and of the Vincent J. Pottier Award for Exceptional and Outstanding Contribution to Dalhousie Legal Aid Service (awarded in 2005).  Professor Thompson served as co-director of Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines Project, Department of Justice Canada 2001-2008, and is a current Editor of the Canadian Family Law Quarterly.


On Friday afternoon, ACCLE is pleased to present Dean Michelle J. Anderson of CUNY School of Law.  CUNY is the premier public interest law school in the United States.  It has been recognized as one of the strongest clinical programs in the country, and received praise from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching for its integration of theory and practice.  Dean Anderson as served as Dean since 2006, leading the School through a period of great renewal and transformation in development, facilities, programs, and recognition.  Dean Anderson is a leading scholar on rape law. Her articles have been published in numerous leading legal journals and texts.  Prior to joining CUNY, Dean Anderson was a member of the Villanova University School of Law faculty for eight years. She has served as a Visiting professor at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and at Georgetown University Law Center.  At CUNY, Dean Anderson designed and facilitated monthly Leadership Roundtables with some 20 CUNY college presidents to discuss and develop leadership best practices. She also chaired the University-wide Task Force to establish a rigorous Common Core curriculum for CUNY undergraduate colleges.  Dean Anderson is a member of the New York City Bar Association’s Task Force on New Lawyers in a Changing Profession, where she is Chair of the Committee on Unmet Legal Needs.