Thursday October 18
7:00 – 9:30pm
Opening Reception(hors d’oevres and cash bar)
2935 Pembina Hwy

The following program offers 9.25 hours of continuing professional development, of which 3 hours relate
to ethics, professional responsibility or practice management (EPPM).

Friday October 19
8:00 – 9:00
Registration and BreakfastRobson Hall Common room
9:00 – 9:30
ACCLE – Annual General Meeting Common Room
All Welcome
9:30 – 10:45
Opening Keynote Address: Moot Courtroom
The Honourable Chief Justice Richard Scott, Manitoba Court of Appeal
“A Judicial Perspective on Legal Education”
10:45 – 11:00
BreakCommon Room
Bonnie Preece (Carswell) Book Draw and info on Pro Bono
11:00 – 12:30

Concurrent sessions
Session A: Pedagogies and Practices in Business Law ClinicsRoom 206
Facilitated by: Doug Ferguson (Western)
  • Wissam Aoun (Windsor) “The Innovative Approach: Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles in the Operation of a Business Law/ Intellectual Property Law Clinic”
  • John Pozios & Bryan Schwartz (Manitoba) “Teaching Business Law in an Experiential Format”
  • DeLloyd Guth (Manitoba) “Judge Shadowing as an Experiential Program”
Session B: Critical Perspectives on Clinical Legal EducationRoom 207
Facilitated by: Fred Zemans, (Osgoode)
  • Faisal Bhabha (Osgoode) “’Voluntourism’, Voyeurism or Vocation? Taking Stock of
    Transnational Field Placements in Canadian Law Schools”
  • Sarah Buhler & Janelle Anderson (Saskatchewan) – “I am not a Caped Crusader, or Am I?”: Professional Identity Formation and Clinical Legal Education”
  • Sarah Marsden (UBC) “Clinical Legal Education as a Response to the Reproduction of Hierarchy”
12:30 – 2:00
LUNCH – Sponsor: Carswell Common Room
1 pm Discussion: Preparing Students for the Practice of Law: Experiential Learning and Articling Reform
Doug Ferguson (Western), Trevor Farrow (Osgoode) Raj Anand (Raj Anand, Partner (Weir Foulds LL.P.), Bencher of the LSUC)
2:00 – 3:30
Concurrent sessions
Session A: Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Clinics: Implications for Clinical Pedagogies and
Room 206
Facilitated by: Marion McGregor (Osgoode)
  • Susan Noakes (The Law Centre, University of Victoria)
  • Lynne Jenkins and Mary Lou Fassel (Barbra Schlifer Clinic)
Session B: Innovative Pedagogies and Program DesignsRoom 207
Facilitated by: Donna Franey (Dalhousie)
  • Eveline Milliken (Faculty of Social Work, U of M): “Silence as a Strategy of Cultural Safety”
  • Martha Simmons (Osgoode) Encouraging the Use of Innovative Intelligence in Law Students – the Case of the Osgoode Mediation Clinical Program
  • Cheryl Milne,( U of Toronto) “Designing an Appellate Test Case Clinic from the Ground Up”
Session C: Student session Clinical Legal EducationRoom 205
(students meet and share with each other)
Facilitated by: Stephen Myher, (U of M, 3rd year)
3:30- 3:45
BreakCommon Room
11:00 – 12:30
Concurrent sessions
Session A: Pedagogies of Community EngagementRoom 206
Facilitated by Sarah Buhler (Saskatchewan)
  • Workshop led by Lisa Cirillo, Kristin Marshall, Rachel Bernhardt (Toronto)
Session B: International Perspectives on Clinical Legal Education – Room 207
Facilitated by: Rose Faddoul (Windsor)
  • Dale McFadzean (University of Paisley Law School, Scotland) “Perspectives on Clinical Legal Education from Paisley, Scotland”
  • Omolade Olomola (Faculty of Law, U of Ibadan, Nigeria) “Adopting a creative approach to clinical legal education”
  • Ewelina Milan (Lazarski University, Poland) “Effective Supervision – Perspectives from the Clinic at Lazarski University”
6:45- 9:00
Dinner with Registrants (optional – at registrant’s own cost)
Location: East India Company, 349 York Avenue (downtown)

Saturday October 20
8:00 – 9:00
BreakfastCommon Room
also meeting at 8:15 in Common Room
“About Mooting: Is it time for a Canadian Negotiation Competition?” Interested parties – please come
9:00 – 10:15
Greetings – Dean Lorna Turnbull (Manitoba)Moot Courtroom
Keynote address:
Professor Shin Imai, Osgoode Hall Law School
“The Colour of God’s Shoes”
10:15 – 10:30
BreakCommon Room
11:00 – 12:30
Concurrent sessions
Session A: Workshop: Burnout, Hopelessness and Trauma in Clinical Legal Education Room 206
Facilitated by: Michelle Christopher (Calgary)
  • Lynne Jenkins and Caroline Kim (Barbra Schlifer Clinic)
Session B: Panel discussion: Working Appropriately with Aboriginal Elders in Educational Settings – Room 207
Facilitated by: Steve Perks (Victoria)
  • Elder Mae Louise Campbell, Debra DiUbaldo, Eveline Milliken and two students, (Manitoba)
12:00 – 12:30
Conference closing and reflectionsCommon Room