Anne Thibault and Steve Perks 2023 Recipients of ACCLE Awards

We are excited to announce that Anne Thibault is the recipient of the Ferguson award in recognition of her accomplishments as Team Coordinator of the Outaouais Interdisciplinary Social Law Clinic CIDSO through the University of Ottawa which works on systemic issues in collaboration with other professions.

Anne is a stellar collaborator, lawyer, and mentor. Anne is very dedicated to student training. In addition to transmitting her knowledge through direct supervision of their activities, she also gives students the opportunity to develop projects within the clinic and take steps to ensure their well-being when the work at CIDSO is challenging. Students at the clinic consistently report that their experience at the clinic, and in particular Anne’s supervision, has been professionally enriching and transformative. For the law students, working with Anne allows them to discover another conception of law than the one they learn in class.

In addition, Steve Perks is the recipient of this year’s Cirillo Award in recognition of his long career supporting clinical legal education at the the Law Centre at the University of Victoria but also in supervising and coaching co-op students at the Vancouver Island Human Rights Coalition, UVic Law’s chapter of Pro Bono Students Canada and mooting teams entered in the Canadian Client Consultation Competition.

Students at the Law Centre rave about Steve. He is a great teacher, mentor and advocate, who speaks so positively about the work and his students, it is truly inspiring.